Portraits of Lost Bois

Portraits of Lost Bois

I once heard a well-known advice columnist refer to a concept he called “Logical Family” as opposed to “Biological Family”. I think a lot of folks of our generation have experienced this type of chosen family, especially queer folks and other marginalized groups.“Portraits of ‘Lost Bois’” is an effort to celebrate the resiliency it takes to create a community from the disparate parts of our random experiences. To gather around each other and celebrate, protect, fight, forgive, grieve, heal, and love.The title is meant to evoke the whimsy of Peter Pan’s Lost Boys with Wendy as a central maternal character that I identify with to a certain extent but no implication of the gender of any of these characters is meant to be derived from this title.By anthropomorphizing very real and very intimate relationships surrounding me I’m able to tap in to a more fantastical version of the personalities, strengths and weaknesses of my Logical Family.

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